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Welcome Back Message

Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!

On behalf of HAS staff, I extend a warm welcome to both returning, and new families of Horace Allen School!  For the first few weeks classrooms will be busy establishing routines, building relationships and enjoying being back together as a school family.

At Horace Allen School we follow 3 school rules which are reviewed and reinforced each and every day.  These rules are: “Take care of yourself!  Take care of each other!  Take care of our environments!”  These apply in all aspects of our learning day; whether we are inside the classroom, outside on the playground, down in the park, on a field trip or riding the bus to and from school.

To help develop conflict management strategies and build character traits, HAS utilizes a program called: Kelso’s Choices.  Parent Information can be found at https://kelsoschoice.com/about/for-parents/.  Kelso’s Choices supports students in knowing the difference between small and big problems; what they can do to independently solve small problems, and when it is important to ask for adult support.

2024-25 has brought some changes to bus schedules and stops.  Buses are full with K-Gr. 12 students.  We ask that you reinforce the importance of ‘remaining seated, using a quiet voice and keeping hands to yourself’ on the bus to make the ride safe and enjoyable for all. LRSD Bus Safety

With a decrease in our school budget and cuts to staffing allocations for the 2024-25 school year, class sizes are larger for some grades. The staff we do have will work closely with families to support all students in having a successful school year.  Current enrollment for HAS: Kindergarten - 33 students,  Grade 1- 52 students; Gr. 2- 48 students and Gr. 3- 40 students. 

Teachers first day back to school is Tuesday August 27. They will be sending out a Welcome Back email so you will know who your child’s teacher is, and will provide any other important information to start the school year.  The school will be open on Friday August 30 from 11-12 for Grade 1-3 families to meet the teacher and drop off any supplies. We hope this visit alleviates any beginning jitters that some of our students might have.

Kindergarten students will bring their supplies with them to their scheduled parent meeting.    

Mrs. Kulak, Assistant Principal and Learning Support Teacher is currently off on medical leave. We welcome Ms. Perkins as a temporary staff in Mrs. Kulak’s absence.  Please contact Elaine Garner, Principal with any questions or concerns.  

HAS staff look forward to working together with you to make 2024-25  an amazing school year for all!

Elaine Garner, Principal

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